Neutral cabbage diet eggplant/zucchini stir


A tasty vegetable mash made with aubergine, zucchini, tomato and chilli. It is perfect as a side dish to grilled chicken, meat or fish. 

Make for 4 people. 

1. 1 Eggplant.

2. 1  zucchini.

3. Grate in a little cabbage.

4. 1 tbsp rapeseed oil.

5. 2 yellow onions.

6. 4 cloves of garlic crushed.

7. 0.3 tsp chili flakes.

8. 2 tbsp tomato puree.

9. 400 g crushed tomatoes.

10. 2 medium-sized beets.

11. Dilute with water water to the right consistency.


Cut the aubergine, zucchini, onion into 2.5 cm cubes and slice carrots and grate beetroot and some white cabbage. Sauté onion, garlic and chili in 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil and tomato puree while stirring for about 3 minutes. Pour crushed tomatoes and put down the aubergine and other ingredients. Let simmer for about 20 minutes. or until good enough hard consistency.

 Note! Don't fry the aubergine in oil, but in a little water, otherwise it will absorb as much oil as possible, which is not good from a calorie point of view. 

Note! No salt and pepper, You can add salt if you want, at the table. Because salt is not good for the blood pressure.

 Have a nice meal!