Neutral cabbage diet


The neutral cabbage diet consists of approximately 100 pieces off health tips . A healthy lifestyle that brings joy to you're life. The method is plant-based with cabbage and vegetables also contains regular chep food and describes how to lose weight.

Hälso & Mat blogg.

Tips and Method.

1. Boil beans & lentils and make sauerkraut.

2. Eat cabbage in case of hunger and cravings.

3. Eat bulgur instead of rice which is healthier and less calories.

4. Soak and cook beans that are healthy and give a feeling of satiety.

5. Exercise and go for walks 1 hour a day.

6. Only  wholemeal bread with a little sugar max 5% and minimum salt.

7. Fry in a little water, ie a kind of blanching instead of butter or oil .

8. Do not use excessive olive oil.

9. Sour milk on the sandwiches instead of butter.

10. Only different Sour milk sauces ie no flour and fat sauces.

11. Start every lunch and dinner with a salad before the main goal itself. (Provides saturation). Note! Large portion. This is important and a logical eat order and a main rule in the Neutral cabbage diet. Makes you eat less calories in total.

12. Try not to have huge portions max 150 grams of rice, potatoes etc. 150 grams of meat for men. Vegetables as much as possible.

13. Fat diets were a trap for us.

14. Nuts only a few at a time.

15. Muesli only 3 to 4 tablespoons per serving and yogurt or sour milk  that is low in fat.

16. Buy milk max 1.5%.

17. Only a maximum of 1 strong beer (preferably monk beer) or a glass of wine per week. This is a real weight trap because you often drink a lot more.

18. Measure cooking oil with measurements so it does not become too much because it is very high in calories.

19. Stop cooking with added salt type when cooking potatoes and rice. Better to salt next to the table with a salt shaker and use mineral salt. Ideally nothing at all if you are a health freak.

20. Use sugar cubes for coffee, they are not that big if you, like me, have to have sugar.

21. No ketchup that is a trap. Dangerous to blood vessels.

22. Maximum 5% carbohydrates or sugar on goods you buy in the store and minimum fat.

23. Reduce sweets max 3 pieces of caramel, Bassetts or 1 piece of chocolate large dark chocolate per day.

24. Instead of candy buns and cakes. Trying to switch to cabbage and apply sugar suction tricks (see below),

25. Make sauerkraut that is served with the food, which increases the feeling of satiety so you eat fewer calories and provide good intestinal flora and have in the large salad. Leads to healthier lives.

26. It is said that good fats from the plant world are only slightly from the animal world. But most importantly small portions due to high-fat fats. Although the latest findings say that you need both types of fat.

27. Supplement with pumpkin seeds for the prostate and bran for the intestines and muesli for breakfast. Sprinkle about 10 pcs. pumpkins seeds over the souer milk with muesli and about 1 teaspoon barely with bran. Add about 2.5 walnuts, and you have an optimal breakfast. Small amounts of seeds and nuts due to high calorie and you get fat.

28. Don't eat so many fruits a day, about 1 is enough. A lot of glucose with energy and calories makes you fat and you gain weight. 

29. Increase vegetables with the food and preferably before the meal a large aperitif salad increases the feeling of satiety and you eat less and lose weight as part of this.

30. Choose 150 grams of protein-rich food (meat, chicken, beans, lentils, fish) on the plate and 150 grams of carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, bulgur, pasta) + 10% if you are a big (+) man or (-) woman . Vegetables free weight.

31. At sweet suction, eat a couple of nuts, the cabbage sandwich, a fruit or a glass of water. One reason for the craving for sweets can be more than 3 hours since you last ate. Take a small snack such as a tomato etc.

32. Sweet tooth = hunger. Sandwich (cabbage sandwich) restores. See below tricks for the sweet suck.

33. Remember that if you eat very large portions, your stomach stretches out and you get used to eating a lot and thus thicker.

34. Acquire fat wave (mother who reads lots of values ​​see blog picture My health journey, measuring tape (do not tighten too hard which gives false information). If you want to supplement with any health app for the phone. I got tired of mine after a few years.

35. Place the waistband strap just below the navel measured between the upper hipbone and the lower rib. Over 102 cm for men is not said to be healthy and over 88 cm for women because the risk of heart and vascular disease increases with age.

36. Set intermediate goals, for example, should now lose 2 kg to start with then new goals. Then celebrate with ngt when you reach the goal. My goal now is 89 kg, 98 cm at the waist but now seems to oscillate around 90 kg and 99 cm and increased muscle mass by about 5%. Must unfortunately cut down on candy beers and buns again.

37. Eat only half of the bun, cake etc. Breaks the habit and fills the same need.

38. Better take a little less pasta, potatoes and more vegetables with the food.

39. Remove the breading on the herring, fish and meat. Provides extra useless calories and binds unnecessary fat and salt.

40. Eat only small bananas or take half because they are very high in energy.

41. When you feel a little craving food, grab some protein instead of sweets and bread. Eat like a boiled egg or a hot dog.

42. Take a couple of Mariekex (or small biscuits) with your coffee instead of a large calorie-rich cake. Only about 20 kcal / st. and weighs 5 grams / pc. Actually removes the craving for sweets.

43. You over eat if you have a disturbing environment around and do not get food rest. Let the food silence your mouth. Close TV, etc.

44. Beware of medications and replace those that cause weight gain.

45. Small plate leads to smaller portions.

46. ​​Juice and soft drinks are very high in sugar and calories. It is not thought that it is so dangerous with squeezed orange juice but it is.

47. Skipping meals leads to an imbalance in blood sugar and you over eat later.

48. Visceral fat is the same as abdominal obesity or at the stomach. It is the fat that is stored around the organs in the abdominal cavity and around the intestines and which means increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and high blood fats. It is thus a dangerous fat, much more dangerous than what settles on the buttocks and thighs.

49. If you are stressed leads to over eating.

50. Fast eating leads to over eating.

51. Eat protein when eating. Boil some eggs to keep in the fridge which is a perfect snack. stabilizes blood sugar levels.

52. It is easier to lose weight through food, ie to eat right compared to exercising hard. Although both are needed for a good body and well-being.

53. Take half a glass of water just before the meal and the rest is drunk with the food to increase the feeling of satiety.

54. Do not use cream when cooking and baking due its not  healthily. Invent something else to replace it with.

55. The ideal weight for men (in kg) is L-100 = Ideal weight and for women (L-100) -5 = Ideal weight. L is your length in cm. Ex I am a man 181 cm tall. 181-100 = 81 kg. Ideal weight 81 kg.

56. For every kg you lose weight, your waistline decreases by 1 cm and your blood pressure by 1 mm. It's said.

57. One teaspoon of sprinkling sugar weighs about one gram and equal to about 24 kcal.

58. One kg fat has around 7700 calories that means if you want to lose 1 kg you will have to burn 7700 calories.

59. Protein saturates for a long time. Creates muscle mass, regulates hormones and your metabolism. Because it is so, low protein diet leads to weight gain and is a perfect snack type eat a piece of sausage. That is, protein-rich leads to weight loss.

60. A high-fiber diet can lead to weight loss and you are likely to eat less and become lean and fine. The cabbage sandwich contains a lot of fiber and muesli 

61. Salt can actually cause you to overeat as it signals to your brain that you can eat more. In addition, you get higher blood pressure from salt, which counteracts blood pressure tablets. Use mineral salt that has less dangerous chloride ions. Health freaks completely refrain from salt.

62. Avoid motor vehicles such as electric etc, because you need exercise to get in shape. Buy these services if you need them and at the same time good for the environment. Use the apostle horses and take the stairs instead of the elevator etc, which is free exercise.

63. Calculate your excess weight. BMI body mass index. Underweight=18.5 or less, normal weight=18.5-24.9 and overweight 25-29.9 and obesity 30 or higher. Calculate the weight "V" in kg divided by the length "L²" the length m. It is V/LxL=BMI. Example 82.4/1.81x1.81=25.1. Obesity or overweight means risk of other diseases that lower the quality of life and shorten life. Which you especially notice when you get older.

64. Try replacing rice pasta and potatoes with salad and have fish, poultry, meat and various stews to go with it. Because it is easy to overeat carbohydrates that are insulin generators i.e. increase fat deposits in the body.

65. Müsli was a sugar trap for me because the large amount of sugar per 100 grams of muesli is an insuliner, ie increases fat laying storage. Choose a variety with a little sugar and reduce the portion to a maximum of 4 tablespoons müsli.

66. Pasta really makes you fat! Reduce it to a minimum and replace it with salad on the plate and a weight loss will start.

67. If you eat a large, healthy breakfast and then a light dinner, you will have a reduced appetite and fewer feelings of hunger during the day. Which makes it likely that you will lose weight in the long term.

68. It is recommended to exercise cardio 150-300 minutes and strength training 2 times a week to get good health.

69. Poor sleep where you don't wake up rested leads to obesity.

70. Those who eat a handful of nuts a day have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

71. Better health with approx. 50% less risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease if you do four pulse-raising activities in a few minutes per day, such as taking the stairs, running to the bus, vacuuming or doing other strenuous activity.

72. Take a tactical break for a couple of minutes when you eat by putting the cutlery down next to the plate a couple of times during the meal because it takes at least 20 minutes before you feel full. Makes you feel fuller and you don't have to eat 1.5 portions, i.e. take more, which has a negative effect on your stomach size and health. If you still want more food, eat raw cabbage until the food cravings pass.

73. If you eat some fruit and vegetables every day, do you get better physical health and a better mood as well as increased mental well-being?

74. Eat a varied diet, even if you have a perfect BMI, you can still suffer from nutritional deficiencies if you always eat one-sided and the same. It can lead to your body lacking various things it needs, such as essential amino acids, vitamins or minerals. Therefore, be careful to compose your diet so that you get food from different food groups.

75. Sugar is converted into fat in the body. Doctors recommend a maximum of 50-75 grams of sugar per day for adults to be healthy. How much do you eat if you add up everything you eat? Look at the ingredients list under the heading "Carbohydrates, of which sugars" on food you buy in the store.

76. Strength training such as sit-ups, push-ups and leg bends etc. reduces ageing, the risk of dying early, less cancerous as well as strengthens the heart and increases the brain's cognitive abilities.

77. Take care of the intestine because about 80% of the immune system is connected to the intestinal system. So eat healthy fibers such as sauerkraut etc. which the bacteria like.

78. Keep track of the calories. Women should generally eat 2,000-2,200 calories per day and men 2,500-2,700 calories per day, but this varies a lot between different people and age. To keep track of calories, you can download an app for your phone or computer, there are many different variants to choose from.

79. Count all the calories. Many people think that they eat so little and still do not lose weight. This may be due to drinking a lot of energy in the form of juice, milk, soft drinks or alcoholic drinks, wine, beer or coffee drinks with cream and sugar. One such type of coffee drink can contain as much as 800 calories. So more calories than a Big Mac from McDonald's. Too much fruit also contains a lot of calories, check a calorie table.

80. Exercise in the morning increases fat burning more than exercise in the evening. According to research findings, train in the morning should be trained to increase metabolism and fat burning.

81. Studies show that if you remove carbohydrates and instead replace them with animal fat, such as butter, and protein from the animal kingdom, health is adversely affected in the long term.

82. If you get hungry between meals, choose a healthy snack such as eggs, yogurt, avocado or a fist nuts. Fat, as in, for example, avocado, nuts and yogurt, has a damping effect on the sweet suction for many.

83. When you eat fewer calories than you get rid of, the body must take off its energy layer and that means you lose weight.

84. The calorie deficit should be combined with training several times a week - and preferably strength training. If you do not, your body will retrieve the energy from your protein layer, which is primarily in the muscles, and then you do not lose fat without muscle.

85. More hungry? Take the habit of ending the meal with a fruit instead of eating another serving.

86. Nuts are useful in limited quantities, either as compensation for other more unhealthy foods or as a daily dose on a handful, ie about 30 grams, nuts. Nuts also contain a lot of fiber and proteins that are filling, which can cause us to eat less of other foods.

87. Nuts and seeds 20-30 grams have, in studies, been linked to a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease, death in cancer and premature death, compared to a small or no intake of nuts and seeds.

88. Do not eat too fast so you forget to enjoy the food which makes you eat less and feel the feeling of saturation.

89. Avoid white products that are useless such as white rice, white flour, salt. Instead, use whole grains products.

90. Eat small apples and fruits that are not very sweet.

91. Eat potatoes with shells. It contains potassium that is good for the heart and eat apples with peel which contains healthy vitamins. Shells also provide better intestinal flora.

92. Sprouts and fermented foods such as sauerkraut and sprouted chickpeas, etc. are rich in antioxidants and increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

93. Eat living foods such as algae, sprouts, fruits, nuts, vegetables raw food and fermented as a salad before eating. Which leads to better intestinal bacteria and better digestion and thus health as well as weight loss.

94. Examples of unhealthy foods that one should preferably avoid and pull down are the following sugar, soft drinks, energy drinks, white carbohydrates such as pasta, white rice, white bread, processed foods, bad sausages, chips, margarine, sweets, marmalade, powder potato mash , biscuits, cakes, alcohol, lots of coffee and sandwich toppings like charcuteries.

95. Nutrition experts type WHO etc. Recommends about 30 grams (about 120 kcal) free sugar per day. (Naturally found in honey, sugar, fruit juice.) This corresponds to an ice cream and 4 gingerbread or about 8 pieces of sugar cubes . If you eat more, you gain weight regardless of whether you eat healthy in general. It is 5-10 % of total energy intake for one adult per day.

96. Foods containing few carbohydrates are fatty fish, chicken, green, and cheese in all shapes.

97. Extend the night fasting and fasting ie have dinner at 5 pm since breakfast at 9am the day after then you have naturally fasted 16 hours and you become narrower. (Fluid ok to drink).

98. The foods and dishes that contain more fiber, protein and fluid make you feel measured longer. Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, beans, fish, chicken, fruit and eggs belong to what gives the best saturation. (The fluid must be in the food to provide saturation otherwise runs straight through the body).

99. Eggs contain few calories and keep you satisfied for a long time. Replace bread with eggs for breakfast, so you lose weight.

100. Cold potato. If you eat the potato cold the day after you cooked it, the starch is converted into fiber. This means that the calorie amount will be smaller and that there is a growth of healthy bacteria in the intestine, which leads to you feel satisfiedand get weight loss.

Trick at craving sweets.

1. A common mistake I make that ruins my weight loss is that I take a couple of candy bars in the evening. Which triggers that I still want more goodies most of the whole evening.

2. Take a glass of water or 1 half then the stomach receptors signal a feeling of satiety. Sometimes you are thirsty and eat sweets as compensation.

3. Eat the cabbage sandwich and maybe a tomato for hunger and cravings.

4. Take a small piece of sugar and suck on so you get the blood sugar up a little so that the craving disappears. At least not a whole bag of candy.

5. Another trick that should be good is to suck on an ice cube.

6. Take a small fruit type pineapple, papaya, mango piece instead of cakes and buns.😢

7. A few nuts.

8. A Sausage small cut.