My food anxiety battle.

I have become addicted to sweets. Got a sugar addiction. I have sinned and now the waistline is creeping up and increasing. Although I run a site about health and cooking, I am not free from cravings and gluttony. Together with my chef and partner, I have become far too good at making good food and then it is difficult to do as you are taught and I have had difficulty following the rules of the Neutal cabbage method. Eat reasonably large portions, etc. Although you try to follow the rules, you become complacent and think that you are spared from putting on the kilos because this but oh how wrong you can be. It is an eternal struggle between eating useless and useful. Now I have to go back, back to basic. Start with the white cabbage sandwich when you have a sweet tooth and hunger and stop with the candy and honey spoons and biscuits after bedtime and brushing your teeth. Just bite the sour apple again. No more chocolate bars when you go shopping, which I secretly ate and munched without anyone seeing.
Lucky that my partner, the head chef, doesn't usually read my blogs, because then I get scolded and cursed and she loses trust in me. The tape measure doesn't lie. Above 103 cm, the maximum can be 102. Had it not been for the fact that I follow my partner's recipe to the fullest and not completely ignore all the rules in the Neutral cabbage method, I would have been as round as a meatball. Now I just cheated a little. Must admit I've had more beer than what's in the rules. I'm ashamed to even say it, but chocolate bisques are my secret passion. And it slinks down when no one is looking, most of the time. Should the chef find out about this, she will hit the frying pan on my head. She has a very hot-temperament. (Thinking about locking the page for only logged in members as an emergency so she can't read this). No wonder that I have to compensate with the white cabbage sandwich.
Now for Christmas there will be a lot of gingerbread, otherwise I'll eat ladybird biscuits, which are pretty low calorie with coffee. Now I have to pay by not reaching the goal of losing two kilos and 3 cm in my waist. Can take comfort in the fact that I know what it is due to. My own stupidity because I know how to do it. But the evil forces drag me down into a darkness of sweet tooth and craving for too much good food. Now it's time to start again and life goes on. No more chocolate in the store and no more beer in the restaurant, I tell myself. Back with the white cabbage sandwich for evening hunger and not the bread night sandwich that I also not allowed to take. I have calculated that I take about 8 pcs. sugar cubes a day for my much enlarged half-liter coffee mugs. But coffee is healthy and contains substances of joy and antioxidants. That will be the end of this blog and all in all, if you cook good food and preferably Kockgrytans, life will have more meaning and you will be happy. Because you simply eat better, even if it can be difficult to resist the dark forces of eating useless food in large quantities. So you have to fight and follow the rules to the letter, if you can do this, the reward will be a nice body and better health.
We wish you a good match in the battle between good and evil, or rather good and unsavory.
Lars Höijer/Kockgrytan