A normal day with the cabbage diet

Sometimes it can be difficult to get an overview of the entire Neutral cabbage diet, but as previously said, it is a method built on common sense with cabbage as the foundation and several tricks that are applied in a wise way. A nice lifestyle that makes you feel good. Here I simply describe what a good day with the method looks like and you get to eat very well while losing weight or maintaining the weight you have.
For example, do this one day.
1. Wakes up at 6.00 eats breakfast. I eat the Neutral cabbage diet`s müsli with walnuts, bran, pumpkin seeds etc. And take one large cup of coffee with milk and some sugar cubes.
2. Exercise, brisk walk at 10.00 and or gym training with the Neutral diet's training schedule.
3. Lunch at 12.00 Kockgrytan/Neutral diet´s Meatballs, bulgur or couscous whole grain and Neutral cabbage diet`s beetroot salad.
4. Coffee at 2 pm, one large cup with milk and a sugar cub. Small bun bit less than half tips or some ladybugs.
5. Snack small fruit at 3 p.m. (Note! Not bananas because they are to high in calories).
6. Snack white cabbage sandwich at 16.30.
7. Dinner at 18.00 with a slice of Pork tenderloin made in clay pot. Served with brown rice and little sour milk sauce with a large Neutral cabbage diet's raw food salad as a starter.
8. Snack at 19.00, a small dark chocolate piece.
9. Night snack white cabbage sandwich at 21.00.
10. Plus 100 tip in the Neutral cabbage diet.
Note! brandy, wine, beer, pasta, sweets are avoided or kept to a minimum and water is drunk with meals.