Pork tenderloin clay pot


Cooking in an untreated clay pot. This means that the meat, braises in its own juice, that nutrients and aroma remain, that food from a clay pot becomes particularly diet-friendly.

For about four people.

1. Soak the clay pot. for about 20-60 minutes before the food is put in it.

2. Take a large faker about 1.2 kg. Rinse the outside thoroughly and dry with paper.

3. Peel and slice some onions and carrots.

4. Season and rub the pork loin with 1-2 teaspoons of rosemary, 1 tablespoon of barbecue seasoning and 1-2 tablespoons of black peppercorns or to taste. The spices are pounded together in a mortar for the best taste.

5. Add the ingredients to the clay pot and fill it halfway with water. To get a lot of bouillon sauce then for the food. Note! next to the meat so the seasoning doesn't disappear. Also squeeze in the juice from half a lemon in the clay pot. If you want to party it up a bit, you can also add 1 dl of white wine.

6. Place in the clay pot with the lid on in a cold oven. If convection oven, set to old-fashioned mode with top and bottom heat 250 °C. It should be in the middle. About 90 minutes from start and cold oven to finished cooking.

Note! It is good to vary the pork loin seasoning with, for example, lemon juice, garlic, curry, rosemary, paprika powder. Quantity to taste.

Serve with rice, macaroni or potatoes and salad, of course.

Have a nice meal!