Spaghetti gratin with cabbage and sun-dried tomatoes


Here is a very good vegetarian recipe for spaghetti gratin based on sun-dried tomatoes, white cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, onions, cheese and chili or pepper of your choice.


1. 250 grams of white cabbage.

2. 250 grams of carrots or 2 pcs.

3. Butter or oil to brown with.

4. 1 tbsp vinegar.

5. 3 spice measure  salt and pepper.

6. 150 grams of mushrooms.

7. A large yellow onion.

8. 4 pcs. crushed garlic cloves.

9. 150 grams dry weight spaghetti.

10. 8 pcs. Sun-dried tomatoes in oil.

Egg yolk.

1. 3 dl yogurt.

2. about 1 dl milk.

3. 4 pcs. egg.

4. 2 tablespoons tomato puree.

5. 1 teaspoon chili paste or 0.5 chili fruit. (Note: deselect this if you don't like a bit of strong food).

6. approx. 3 krm Salt and pepper.

Do this.

1. Turn on the oven at 200 °C.

2. Cut the white cabbage into spaghetti-thick strips.

3. Peel and grate the carrots diagonally so that there are long strips on the large hole of the grater.

4. Squeeze the cabbage with a few sprinkles of salt (optional). Then fry the cabbage so that they become a little soft and have a little surface.

5. Turn on the vinegar and let it sizzle. Put in the grated carrot and mix with the cabbage. Fry for a few more minutes and then pour everything into a gratin dish of approx. 15x2 cm.

6. Rub the mushrooms clean under running water. Halve and slice them.

7. Peel and cut the onion into four wedges, which you then slice and divide into strips.

8 Peel and crush the garlic cloves with the knife blade on the side.

9. Put the mushrooms in the frying pan and let them dry on medium heat for a few minutes.

10. Then put in a little oil or butter and onions and the crushed garlic. Sauté until the mushrooms are colored and the onion is softened and pour it into the gratin dish.

11. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package and subtract one minute from the cooking time. Quickly drain the water and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking time.

12. Cut straight down into the sieve like divided lengths of spaghetti into 3 parts so that the spaghetti strands will be a little shorter. Pour into the gratin dish.

13. Core and chop red chilies or use ready-made chili paste or just salt or pepper everything according to taste and how strong you like your food. Add the spices to the egg yolks.

14. Shred the sun-dried tomatoes and put in the gratin dish.

15. Mix everything in the gratin dish by hand.

16. Whisk together Yoghurt, egg and milk, spices and tomato puree. (Optional chili) and salt and pepper. Pour on the egg mixture and blend.

17. Put the grated cheese on top.

18. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for approx. 25-30 min.

Have a nice meal!